Interested in serving with Girl Scouts of Western Washington as an AmeriCorps member? View open positions and apply, or learn more below.
AmeriCorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that connects more than 75,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet our country’s critical needs in disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families.
AmeriCorps members serve with nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and faith-based and community organizations. Since 1994, more than 1 million men and women have provided needed assistance to millions of Americans across the nation through their AmeriCorps service.
Through this partnership between AmeriCorps and Girl Scouts of Western Washington, AmeriCorps members will play a vital role in bringing Girl Scout programming to youth in communities our organization has historically underserved. They’ll expand our capacity by recruiting and leading community Girl Scout troops as well as recruiting and training adult volunteers.
The Mission of Girl Scouts of Western Washington is to build youth of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Our community represents every race, ethnicity, income level, sexual orientation, ability, and religion; reflects a spectrum of gender identity; and connects across geographic locations. By focusing our attention on community members who are furthest from racial, economic, and social justice, Girl Scouts can be an instrument of change, promoting equitable outcomes for all. We wholly commit to taking anti-racist action to grow as an anti-racist and anti-oppressive organization so that, through Girl Scouts, our members are affirmed as they strive to better our community and world. AmeriCorps members will expand to youth who would otherwise be unable to participate.
According to a 2021 Girl Scouts Alum Survey:
A year of service with Girl Scouts of Western Washington includes a comprehensive benefits package with a living allowance, medical, time off, and other amenities.
Full-time members who complete their service earn a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award of $6,895 to pay for college, graduate school, or to pay back qualified student loans.
If you’d like to speak with someone about AmeriCorps positions with Girl Scouts of Western Washington, please contact our customer care team at or 1(800) 541-9852.