Kendra Abernethy
David Abrams
Sarah Ackermann
Vicki Adams
Arthur and Penny Jo Adler
Michele Agosti
Chetan Agrawal
Kari Aguilar
Veronica Ainsa
Julie Akhter
Al Terteling Foundation
Alaska Airlines
Karin Alecci
Anne Alecci
Jodi Alexander
Sheryl Alford
Allstate Employee Giving
Pamela Almaguer-Bay
Roxana Alvarado
Mariana Alvarez-Tostado
Amazon Smile Giving Program
Hanan Amer
Carolyn Amirr
Amanda Amundson
Andrea Anderson
Barie Baron Anderson
Kelly Anderson
Alyson Anderson
Janna and Donald Anderson
Douglas Anderson
Ann Anderson
Jackie Anderson
Amy Anderson
Anton Andrews
Jane Andriichuk
Angel of the Winds
Anthony's Restaurants
Peggy Antich
Ann Ardizzone
Nora Arendt
James Arendt
Mark Armstrong
Brigid Arsenault
Kristine Ashcraft
Lauren Askew
Martin Atkinson
Lisa Auchynnikava
Amber Avery-Graff
Alicia Azurin
B. Fuller's Mortar & Pestle
Baer Winery
Leslie Bailey
Ella Bailey
George H. Baker
Patty Baker
Michael Bales
Samantha Balin
Lois Ballew
Michelle Banks
Banner Bank
Ramona Barber
John Barclay
Brittany and Trevor Bardeleben
Jennifer Bardsley
Amy Barrett
Bailee Barrick
Karen Bass
Amelia Bateman
Kari Baumann
Kathleen Baxley
Jay Baxter
Stephanie Baxter
Colin Bay
Sally Bays
Rachel Beaton
Jennifer Beatty
Maria Beaudette
Amelia Becke
Sara Becker
Michelle Beckley
Monica Beckman
Elena Begojevic
Christopher Belden
Kelsey Belgum
Bellangela Italian Cuisine, LLC
Ciara Bellasalma
Bellefleur Lingerie
Renee Bellemere
Ben Bridge
Jeremy Bentrup
Cierra Berger
Patty Bergquist
Chelsea Bernard
Delaney Berreth
Amy Betts
Anne Bickford and Allen Marshall
Katie Billings and Alice Reiff
Carrie Binek
Abbie Bishop
Julia Bitzes
Anna Blacknall
Blackrock Matching Gifts
Carly Blake
Brianna Blaser
Vannessa Blea
Darcey Blinn
Eleanor Block
Scott Blomquist
BMS Employee Giving Program
Beth Boardman
The Boeing Company Employee Giving
Kristi Bolster
Claire Bonilla
Mindy Bordignon and Lori Perkins
Holly Bork
Svetlana Borodina
Dana Borrelli-Murray
Brooke Bors
Cesario Bosquez
Pamela Bouchez
Barbara Boyd
Katie Boyes
Robin Brady
Joni, Jack and Leah Brand
Amy Bresslour
Neil Bretvick
Leslie Brewer and Arnold Blinn
Wade Brewer and Jim Wattles
Bridges Trust
Sally Bright
Mary Brodd and Michael Crenshaw
Allison Broder
Maggie Bromberg
Kathleen and Marvin Brooke
Lynn Brookhaus
Julie Brookreson
Christine Brosio
Jenna and Nicole Schoonover
Pam Brown
Kaitlyn Brown
Norman Brown
Jenny and Matthew Browne
Amanda Bryant
Elvira Bungag
Bonnie and Paul Bunning
Barbara and Michael Burke
Carolyn and Robert Burnham
MaryAnn Bury
Mariesa Bus
Michelle Buswinka
Amber Butler
Aireanna Cabrera
Christina Cabunoc
Molly Joleen Callender
Dahlia Campbell
Greg Camrud
Maya Canan-Cabassi and Marco Cabassi
Tammy Blount-Canavan
Amy Cangany
Suzanne Canson
Janice Carle
Reagan Carosino
Heather Carter
Scarlet Carter
Carlee Casey
Margaret Cashman
Jo'ell Catel
Tammy Caulfield
Jennifer Causey
Meredith Cauthon
Susan M Cearly
"Benjamin Chamberlain"
Scott and Judy Chambers
Katharine Chan
Christine and Steve Chaney
Yunyu Chang
Tiffany Chapin
Christa Charter
Hillary Chen
Grace Chien and Rodney Eng
Dorothy Chien
Ginger Chien
Crystal Chor
Helen Christian
Liana Chu
Linda Cies
David Cisneros
Persephone Cizek
Kellyn Claeys
Kiwon Clark
Susanna and Douglas Clarkson
Lisa Cleary
Shiloh Cleofe
Mary Cline-Stively
Ainsley Close
Melissa Closs-Brewer
Cindy Clowers
Mary and Ian Clunies-Ross
Katherine Clymer
Melinda Coble
Christine Coble and James Raemer
Katherine Cohen
Steven Cohn
Valentina Colburn
Elizabeth and Martin Collins
Phil Colosimo
Columbia Bank
Madison Colvin
Combi Forensics
Community Foundation of South Puget Sound
Linda and Steve Condit
Cindy Condron
Conifer Specialties
Joy Conley
Alyssa Beth Conley
Brendan Connell
Janice and James A Conover
Patty Cook
Janet Cook
Martha Cook
Helen Cooley
Kathleen Cooper
Carla Corkern
Kelli Corning
Reed Correa
Allison Cory
Costco - Bellingham
Costco - Everett
Costco - Issaquah
Costco - Lynnwood
Costco Employee Giving Program
Katelyn Cotton
Marilyn Covey
Barbara and Ken Cowan
Diana Cowan
Sarah Cox
Allison Croft
DC Cronyn
Cynthia Cross
Crowe Foundation Employee Giving
James and Barbara Crutcher
Maria Cubacha
Kathleen Cuff Daman
Erin Currin
Kay Cushing
Kelly Cushman
Heather Jo Cutting and Joshua Gerstman
Sally D'Ault
Rowena Dacones
Ahmad Daher
Angela Daigle
Donna and Aaron Daisley-Harrison
Rebecca Dale
Gretchen Dalquist
Kristen Dang
Madeline Dang
Eleanor Page Darby Fields
Darigold Matching Gift
Lisa Dashiell
Kendall Davenport
Rachel Day
Linette Deacon
Leslie Decker and Stephen Rimmer
Leeza Decker
Robin DeCook
Beverly Decook
Britt-Marie Deforeest
Jeannette Delay
Jocelyn Delgado
Craig Derr
Olivia Derridinger
Kira Derrig
Kris Dersch
Destee Nation
Jackie Devich
Robert Devine and Karen Edgerton
Emily Devine
Carol Devos
Kea Lani Diamond
Alejandra Diaz
Rebekah Dibble
Evelyn Dibuz
Lenora Dickey
Digital Ocean Employee Giving Program
Liz and Dave Director
Ilah Dizon
Maggie Djenohan-Sparkman
Sara Do
Docusign (Benevity)
Kathleen Dohr
Julia Donald
Emily Donelson
Shannon Doniere
Nicole Doniere
Phillip Doolittle
Heather Doran
Diane Dorsey
Nicole Dowding
Jodi Downs
Christy Drackett
Teresa Drake
Stacy Drulard
Nancy Drummey
Raymond Dubicki Jr.
Elisabeth Ducusin
Marcia and Victor Ducusin
Sylvia Duff
Maggie Duffy
Jesse Duncan
Rebecca Duque
In Honor of Sylvia Duryee
Amy Dutt
Karen Dyck
Whitney Dygert
Melissa Dyk
Brett Earnest
Heather Ebert
Caitlin Echelbarger
Echo Fund
Scott Ecker
Edgeworks Climbing Gym
Becky Edmonds
Michelle Edwards
Virginia Edwards
Katie Edwards
Edwards Lifesciences Foundation Employee Giving
Sarit Egozi
El Camino
Ripley Elberfeld
Stephen Elliott
Margaret "Kit" Ellis
Patricia and Gene Elwanger
Liz Elwart
Maii Emam
Angela and Neil Emerton
Annabelle Emerton
Mary Engle
Shannon Ergun
Kristin Erickson
Annie Erlich
Honey Erolan
Jennifer Eslava
In Memory of Barbara Jean Allan
In honor of Julie Himple
Faith Evander-Baynes
Elise Evans
Katie Evans
Shannon and Lindel Evers
Laura Ewbank
Expeditors International of Washington, Inc Employee Giving
Dylan Faaland
Daniel Facer
Christina Fagan
Deborah Falk
Patricia A Farber
Charlie Farra
Juli Farris
Lucy Faulk
Rachel Faunce
Leslie Feinzaig
Barbara Feldon
Suzanne Fell
Kellie Fellinge
Kathryn Felton McAuley
Terry Felts
Robert Ferguson
Stacey Field
5th Avenue Theatre
Meghan Finney
Donna Fisher
Rebecca Fisk
Serena Fitz
Heather Fitzpatrick Sturgill and Brad Sturgill
Brian Fjeldstad
Laura and Jon Fleming
Claire Fleming
Jill Floberg
Linda Floyd
Patricia A Folsom
Lauren Ford
Keldrin Ford
Elizabeth and Scott Fortman
Friends of St. Albans
Bonita Foster
Angela Foster
Isabella Fouts
Michele Fowler
McKayla Fox
Frame Up Studios
Vonita and Christopher Francisco
Joanna Franklin
Desiree and Glenn Franko
Nichole Franko
Paula and Dan Fraser
Jennifer Frazier
Kate Fredrickson
Caitlin Freeman
MarySue French