Donate | Girl Scouts of Western Washington

Invest in Girl Scouts

Your gift today helps us reach our end-of-year fundraising goal—and earn a matching gift to double the impact of your donation!

A Girl Scout in a blue vest and a Girl Scout in a brown sash sit on cement steps while smiling and hugging. A Girl Scout in a blue vest and a Girl Scout in a brown sash sit on cement steps while smiling and hugging.A Girl Scout in a blue vest and a Girl Scout in a brown sash sit on cement steps while smiling and hugging.
Two Brownies wearing brown sashes are walking over a bridge with huge grins on their faces. Two Brownies wearing brown sashes are walking over a bridge with huge grins on their faces.Two Brownies wearing brown sashes are walking over a bridge with huge grins on their faces.
A group of three Girl Scouts paddles a canoe on a lake with a wood dock and green trees in the background.
Ways to Support Camp

You can help us ensure that the life-changing magic of Girl Scout camp thrives.